The Uncompromising Perfectionists


Passed Pawns

Qa3 with the intent to trade Queens, and make sure black king can ‘t prevent the Pawn from queening.

The knight on d6 is blocking our d5 pawn from advancing. To remove the blockade, we would want to trade our c3 knight for the dark d6 knight with Nb5.

Black is about to take b6 pawn. To protect b6, c4-c5. You might wonder why can ‘t the black king capture on c5? Well, it would be too far away to stop b-pawn from queening at b8.

The trick is to find the path for the knight that would stop the black pawn from Queening.
Nf7+ Kg7
Nd6 b3

The insight here is to stop black pawn from d4-d3 so that h-pawn can safety promote at h8.
Bb3+ Kxd3

b4 Ra8
b7 Rb8
Note the black has a vulnerable back rank.
Rc1 Kf8

Phillip Wong