Black would like to dominate the c-file. It would be great if it can capture c2, but c2 is defended by the white knight on d4. The question turns to how to eliminate the defender to c2, or knight. Black would have to trade its knight on e4 to the white knight on d4 by the move order … Nc3 follow by …Nb5.
White really would want to dominate the d-file, and eliminate the d6 pawn. Gaining up both rooks and the queen in formation to attack d6 would be ideal. Also, the queen is understack by the Knight on f6. Qd1 follow by Rd1 and Rd3 is the plan.
Qxf8+ if …Kxf8, then Rd8 mate. if …Kh7, then black is down a rook.
White controls the d-file. The question now is how white is going take advantage of this control to penetrate enemy territory. Only two likely responses: Qd3, or Qd1.
If Qd3 follow by Qd7 or Qd6. Black can simply ignore white’s advances.
If Qd1 follow by Rd7, then white can’t ignore white ‘s advances.
Black can in this example challenge white rook in the 7 rank. Rf7 forcing white to either trade rook, or retreat back.
Our rooks are currently not very active. How do we get our rooks more active in the game? The most immediate would have to be f4. This puts f1 rook directly involved in the battle. b4 could also be an option as this open up the queen side to get the rook on a1 to be involved in the wing.