The Uncompromising Perfectionists

Free Assessments

Free Assessments


Level 1(Beginner Chess)

The Level 1 Assessment covers roughly what we at Castle Chess teach in our level 1 Classes. The targeted students are beginners. The objective is to get the students up to speed on the basics of chess. The assessments cover basic pieces: Pawns, Knights, Bishops, Rooks, The Queens, and The King. The class covers basic concepts such as Check, Checkmate, Castling, En Passant, and Draws. We cover these concepts using practical examples from the history of chess.


Level 2(Intermediate Chess)

The Level 2 Assessment covers roughly what we at Castle Chess teach in our level 2 Classes. The targeted students are Advanced Beginner, and intermediate players. The objective is to get the students used to apply different tactical ideas in their games. The assessments cover Forks, Pins, Skewers, Removing the Guard, Discover Attacks, Decoys, and Sacrifices. We cover these concepts using practical examples from the history of chess.