The Uncompromising Perfectionists


How pieces move

Rank the value of pieces in order?

Pawn - 1 points
Bishop - 2 points
Knight - 3 points
Rook - 5 points
Queen - 9 points
King - 0 points ( King cannot be captured)

What chess piece move in L-shape?


Who can promote at the last rank?


Which piece move in a diagonal?


The bishop can only move in diagonal directions?


How is a check different from a checkmate?

When the king is under attack, and there is no way to get out of attack, then it is called checkmate. A king is in check if there is a way for the king to get out of an attack by 1. moving away, or 2, capture the attacking piece, or 3. Blocking the attacking piece.

Can the King be Captured?

No, the king cannot be captured.

The Queen is a combo of which two pieces?

Bishop and rook

Can the pawn capture forward?


Which pieces can the pawn promote to?

Everything except a pawn or king

Are pawns pieces?

pawns are not pieces. Everything else are pieces.

Phillip Wong